a hand holding a sign in front of a house

The Most Common Building Repairs That Landlords Face

Conan Young in a suit

As a landlord, you are responsible for a large building with any number of tenants. This means there are plenty of different systems that could malfunction or situations that may arise. While your renters deal with the day-to-day, little problems, there are certain larger-scale problems that you’ll need to deal with as a landlord.

Overall, the building is your responsibility. If there are structural issues, problems with plumbing, or electric complications, it will be up to you to save the day. You’ll also need to maintain the appliances and services you’ve promised your tenants. They’re going to expect a working refrigerator and a shower that doesn’t leak constantly. These are standard fixes you’ll need to be aware of. Ultimately, you want to provide a great place for your tenants to live, so you can keep their business. You’ll also want to bring in new renters with the promise of great amenities and following through with those maintenance fixes. Let’s take a look at some of the most common repair needs so you can be ready for them when they arise.

Water Heater Issues

The building’s water heater is an important system that helps your tenants take hot showers and operate their dishwashers, among other things. Be aware of common tankless water heater problems so you can keep these systems operational. Typically, an HVAC technician can help you with your tankless unit. Common problems may include added debris, not enough hot water, or clogged vents. The best way to avoid these issues is to invest in preventative, regular maintenance to guarantee everything is in working order with your heater and hard water before tenants start complaining.

Appliance Repairs and Replacements

If your tenants have an issue with their appliances, it will be up to you to replace or repair those issues. The big items like the refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and washer/dryer will be your responsibility if you offer those amenities with your apartments. Create a good relationship with your maintenance team or a local provider. For example, if your tenants have a leaky fridge or the refrigerator isn’t keeping food cold, you can check out pro refrigerator repair services near me to help fix those common issues. This is a great way to get a diagnostic and see what refrigerator repair you’re looking at. Some technicians can even work on commercial refrigerators if you’re a landlord for a larger building. Overall, look for a great partner in your repairs that you can rely on when the going gets tough.

HVAC System Maintenance

Making sure your tenants have hot and cold air is an essential part of your job. Each unit should come with its own thermostat that you can control with HVAC system repairs. If you have a renter who is complaining, look for ways to create a more successful air supply for all your units.

Water Leaks

At some point in time, your tenants may have an issue with the plumbing or excessive water leaks. Be prepared to call in an expert to look at the deeper issues that may be causing these leaks. Depending on the size of the issue, a repairman may be able to just tighten a valve or you may need a more intense solution.

Smoke Detectors

For your tenants, the smoke detectors are the first line of defense against dangerous fires or CO2 levels. Do regular tests to make sure everything is up to code and ready to protect your renters. This is a basic facet of any building that you’ll want to make sure you’re on top of. Just give your tenants a heads up when you plan on doing your tests so they aren’t surprised by random sirens.